Friday, May 4, 2012

Meet the Editors: April Chapman

April Chapman - EC Editor

After years spent learning the trade and honing her editing skills working for various print and e-publishers, April Chapman finally found her permanent career home in EC when she signed on as a content editor in 2011. She's in the process of building her list of charming, talented authors and has a fondness for manuscripts that are edgy, contemporary or paranormal. She strives to maintain an editing style that's both thorough and honest, guiding authors through the process and helping them find their feet in the overwhelming world of publishing.

When she's not working, she can be found reading (naturally!), watching movies, obsessing over music or beating her six-year-old son at Mario Kart. Mostly on her days off she exists on the couch, on the other couch, or on the bed--because she lives in Ireland, and the first thing you learn in Ireland is how to make a sport out of relaxing.


Katalina said...

Hi April!

Mel Teshco said...

hi April =)))
I like the couch idea *smiles*

Persephone Jones said...

Hi April! :D *waves across the ocean*